PDF Generator

Recipients object stores User, Contact, or Lead to whom the PDF will be emailed or sent for e-signature. While emailing you can also specific how the recipient would get the email – To, CC, or BCC. You can either add recipients manually or automate it.

NOTE – Recipient object is pre-configured for standard Opportunity, Quote, and Order objects. Please edit the page layout if you do not see the Recipients related list.  To configure for any other objects, please check last section of this tutorial.


Add Recipients Manually

Go to the record, for example Opportunity and click “New” button on “Recipients” related list to add recipient(s) manually.

Field Definition –

Quote, Opportunity, and Order: Objects to which this recipient is related to. Please check below section for other objects

Lead, Contact, and User: These are lookup fields to the respective objects. Please select any one of them as recipient

Name: Formula field to show name of the recipient selected above

Email: Formula field to show email of the recipient selected above

Primary: Select this check box to mark the recipient as primary. Primary recipients information will be displayed by default when sending emails using email templates with merge fields

Receive email as: Specify whether this recipient will be in To, CC, or BCC

Signer Role : This field is applicable only when you are using e-signature. It defines the sequence and the area where different signers will sign the document. Corresponding to each signer role, e-signature tags are placed on the PDF template

Check E-Signature section for more information on default recipients, email blurb and Docusign account details.

Recipients Automation

Recipients can be added manually as shown above but this means less time for the reps for things that matter. Let’s see how recipients can be added automatically when a new record is created. This will not only save time but will ensure documents are sent to the correct recipient(s).

Object Settings

Go to PDF Settings tab >> Object & Recipient Settings to define the object that needs to be configured. If the Object is already defined, you can go to the next step to configure the Recipients.

On the Object Settings, you can define below configuration that is applicable to all the PDFs generated for this object.

Object: The name of the object this setting applies to

Email Subject: Default email subject when PDF is emailed or sent for s-signature. Supports merge fields. Users can override before sending the email

Email Body: Default email body when PDF emailed or sent for s-signature. Supports merge fields. Users can override before sending the email

E-Signature Flow: Define how the PDFs are sent for e-signature to the recipients. It can be either Sequential or All at Once.

  • Sequential: Signers receive and sign the document as per the signer role defined in the Recipients list. For example, the document must be signed by VP of Sales before it is sent to customer for e-signature
  • All at Once: All the signers receive the document at the same time and they can sign in any order

Recipients Settings

Go to PDF Settings tab >> Object & Recipient Settings >> Click on “Recipient Config” for specific object as shown aboveClick the pencil icon to modify an existing recipient or click new to configure a new one. Recipient can be a Lead, Contact, or User field on existing object or the parent object. For example, standard Contact, Account & Opportunity Owners can selected as Recipients as shown below –

Recipient: The field which represents the recipient. It can be any User, Contact, or Lead lookup field

Receive email as: It can be To, CC, or BCC. Please note following –

  • If a recipient is specified as CC, in case of email, that person will be copied as CC and in case of Docusign E-Signature, that person will receive final copy of the signed document once all signers sign the document.
  • For e-signature, only To and CC are applicable.

Primary: Select Primary to merge this recipient information when emailing the PDF using Email Template

Signer Role: Applicable for e-signature only. Role identifies how the signers will receive the document and where they need to sign, initial, and enter other signer specific information.

For objects other than Quote, Opportunity, Order & Lead

Recipient object is pre-configured for standard Quote, Opportunity, and Order objects. Recipients needs to be configured for any other object. Here are the steps to do that –

1. Go to  Setup >> Objects >> Recipients >> Create a new Custom Lookup field

2. In the “Related To” field select the object the PDF is being created for

3. API name of the lookup field must match API name of the object. For example, if the API name of the object is My_Object__c, the field name of the lookup field must be My_Object

4. Add Recipients related list by editing My_Object page layout.

5. Follow steps mentioned in the “Recipient Automation” section above to automatically create recipients for this object

6. Finally, create an Apex Trigger similar to below

Note :

  • Create trigger by replacing My_Object__c in the code below with the API name of the object
  • Copy-paste may throw error for single quotes so please copy the code into notepad and re-type single quotes
trigger CreatePDF on My_Object__c (after insert, after update) {

  if(UserInfo.isCurrentUserLicensed('sfcloud2') && !sfcloud2.QuotePDF_Utility.isTriggerRunning) {

    //Copy default recipients
    sfcloud2.QuotePDF_Utility.copyRecipient('My_Object__c', trigger.new);

    //Create PDF and store as an attachment
    sfcloud2.QuotePDF_Utility.createPDFAndEmail('My_Object__c', trigger.new);

Salesforce requires a test class with minimum 75% code coverage to deploy any code to production org. Please see see sample test class below for the above trigger. You will have to modify below test class for it to work with the object you are configuring.

private class createObjectPDF_TEST {

  static void createData(){

    //Create default PDF setting
    sfcloud2__PDF__c pdfSettings = new sfcloud2__PDF__c(
        Name = 'Default Configuration',
        sfcloud2__Auto_Generate_PDF__c = true,
        sfcloud2__Filter_Templates__c = false,
        sfcloud2__Hide_Related_Objects__c = 'ProcessInstance,ProcessInstanceHistory,NetworkActivityAudit,ContentVersion'
    insert pdfSettings;
    //Create default Recipient setting
    sfcloud2__Default_Recipients__c recipientSetting = new sfcloud2__Default_Recipients__c(
        Name = 'My_Object_test',
        sfcloud2__Object__c = 'My_Object__c',
        sfcloud2__Receive_email_as__c = 'To',
        sfcloud2__Primary__c = true,
        sfcloud2__Recipient__c = 'Contact__c' //Replace this with the API name of the recipient field
    insert recipientSetting;
    //Depending on the object you will have to update below code to make sure all the required fields are accounted for
    My_Object__c myObj = new My_Object__c (Name='TestRecipients');
    insert myObj;

  static void validateData() {
    My_Object__c myObj = [SELECT Id FROM My_Object__c 
                          WHERE Name = 'TestRecipients' LIMIT 1];

    //**Please make sure you have followed all the steps in the guide**//

    //Below code will not compile if you have not created the lookup field on Recipients object
    List<sfcloud2__Recipients__c> recipients = [SELECT Id FROM sfcloud2__Recipients__c 
                                                WHERE My_Object__c =:myObj.Id];

    //Below assertion will fail if you have not configured the Recipient custom settings for the object
    System.assertEquals(recipients.size()>0, true);