PDF Generator

Overall Style – This is the first step to specify template name, select Object PDF to be generate for & template level styling options. Please check Overall Style section for more details.

Header – This defines the content which needs to be shown as PDF header which is similar to MS Word Header and is repeated in all pages of the PDF. Please check Header section for more details.

Title – This defines the content which needs to be shown starting 1st page below header.

Tables/Columns – Tables and columns are defined to show related list records in tabular format. One table corresponds to one related list and columns correspond to related object fields. For example, for Quote object, Quote Line Items data can be displayed and for Opportunity object, Opportunity Products data can be displayed as table in the PDF.

Aggregates – These are shown after all the PDF Tables and are generally used to display aggregate values. For example, for Quote object it can show TotalPrice,Tax, Grand Total, VAT, Shipping & Handling charges etc. or any custom field on Quote object.

T&C – This defines the content which needs to be shown after Tables/Aggregate Values (if defined) 

Footer – This defines the content which needs to be shown as PDF header which is similar to MS Word Footer and is repeated in all pages of the PDF. Please check Footer section for more details.


All these sections are optional. Here are few pointers –

  1. If content shouldn’t be repeated on to & bottom of each page, keep Header & Footer blank.
  2. If related list data is not required to be displayed on the PDF, skip this section.
  3. If there are no PDF Tables, you can use only Title sections to manage all content (provided entire content size is within allowed size on Title) and may not use T&C section



Preview – As a template designer you can preview the template with live data to verify the design and merge fields before activating it for the end users. To preview –

1. Click on the Preview button

2. Click on the search box to select recently used records or type to search other records



1. Click Clone Template button on top of the template to create an exact copy of the entire template with all the configurations copied.


2. You can specify the name of the new template & activate it as well.


Cloning is provide using iClone app to quickly make copies of the templates. It allows user to quickly clone records along with any related lists and supports field over-rides. It works for any Standard and Custom objects. Please contact support@gocloudz.com for queries related to this app.