Product Bundle

When you change Products prices it does not automatically reflects in the bundles. (This is because Salesforce does not support triggers on PricebookEntry object. Please vote for this idea to gain Salesforce attention:


We are aware of this and hence we have Refresh functionality baked into the platform. Just click “Refresh” button on a bundle to reflect latest price, cost, margin, sales price, discount etc. On clicking this button all Bundle Item pricing will be updated as per the new price in the Pricebook. To refresh multiple bundles at one go, go to Bundles tab, select All in the list view, click Go, click check box next to Action column and then click Refresh.


  1. Refreshing bundles does not update pricing for the bundles that are already added to opportunity or quote.
  2. Above solution may not be ideal if the pricing in your company changes frequently. In that case you can go with batch job that can be scheduled every night or as per your business needs. We can help with such customization, please reach us at