Product Bundle

Here are the steps to create Bundles and Bundle Items using Dataloader (Fields marked with Star are required fields, rest are optional depending on the business use case) –

  1. Create a Bundle file in csv format with help of the attached template
  2. Name* – the bundle name
  3. sfcloud__Price_Book__c* – Salesforce id for the Pricebook record in your org. Prefix is “01s”
  4. CurrencyISOCode* is required for multi-currency orgs only. For example, USD, EUR
  5. sfcloud__Status__c* – should be Draft by default, once all the related bundle items are uploaded, it can be changed to “Active”. If you have an approval process, then keep the status in Draft and kick-off the approval workflow which will update the bundle status accordingly
  6. sfcloud__Description__c – Long description of the bundle that is useful for the Admin / Product Management team
  7. sfcloud__Short_Description__c – short description of the bundle which will be shown to the reps
  8. sfcloud__Start_Date__c – the bundle will only be available to the reps from this date onwards
  9. sfcloud__End_Date__c – the bundle will not be shown to the reps after this date
  10. sfcloud__Is_Child_Bundle__c – enter 1 if this is a child bundle and cannot be sold as a standalone bundle

Once the bundles are uploaded successfully; the resulting file will have a corresponding Salesforce id for the bundles. Use this id to create a Bundle Item file in csv format. See the template below as a starting point

  1.  sfcloud__Product_Bundle__c* is the bundle id generated above
  2.  sfcloud__Product_Name__c* – Salesforce id for the Product record in your org. Prefix is “01t”
  3.  sfcloud__Child_Bundle__c – enter the child bundle id. Required for nested bundles only
  4.  CurrencyISOCode* is required for multi-currency orgs only. Bundle and Bundle Line Item currency must be the same. For example, USD, EUR
  5.  sfcloud__Qty__c* – the quantity of the bundle item
  6.  sfcloud__List_Price__c* – default to the unit price from the corresponding PricebookEntry record
  7.  sfcloud__Sale_Price__c* – can be the same as the unit price from the corresponding PricebookEntry record. The discount field will be calculated automatically based on the list price and the sale price
  8.  sfcloud__PricebookEntryId__c* – Salesforce id for the PricebookEntry record in your org. This is a junction object between Product and ListPrice
  9.  sfcloud__Status__c* must be “Active” if you want the bundle items to appear when adding the bundle
  10.  sfcloud__Product_Cost__c – default to the cost from the corresponding PricebookEntry record. The margin field will be calculated automatically based on the cost and the sale price
  11.  sfcloud__Required__c – enter 1 if this is a required line item. Not applicable for “child bundle”
  12. sfcloud__Sort_Order__c – the order in which the bundle items must be displayed within the bundle
  13. sfcloud__Description__c – the description of the bundle item

Here are the sample Excel files for Bundle and Bundle Items upload (Please ensure to conver it to CSV format)


Bundle Items

Notes –

  1. Do NOT populate both “sfcloud__Child_Bundle__c” and ” sfcloud__Product_Name__c”. Only one of the fields must be entered
  2. You will have to create a report or use the Dataloader to get the existing Salesforce product ids, pricebook entry ids, cost and currency ISO code from your org