
Once iClone is installed, please follow below steps to configure clone options for each object. This is required only once, unless you want to modify existing configuration.

  1. Click the app switcher icon
  2. Select “iClone” app
  3. Click “iClone” tab
  4. Click “New” or edit existing configuration


Configuring Parent Object

  1. Select an object from the picklist that you need to configure. If it is has record type, select that 
  2. Once the object is selected, the screen will auto refresh to show all the fields for that object. Configure the fields as per your business rules
    1. Select only those fields that you want user to modify while cloning. Other field values will be copied as-is
    2. Order: Display order of the fields
    3. Name and API Name are read only columns showing field label and API name
    4. Default Value: Provide default value for the field when cloning records. For example in above screenshot, Billing Country for all cloned Accounts will be defaulted to USA. User can update that if required.
    5. Type: Select either “Read Only” or “Required”
      1. Read only flag will allow users to only see the existing field value but not update it.
      2. Required flag will enforce user to enter a value
    6. ERASE: Select this checkbox to blank existing field value. Note: Erase and Required combination will ensure new value is always entered when cloning the
    7. Hide Field: Select this checkbox to hide the field from end users. This can be useful when “Default Value” must be provided but the field must be hidden from end users
    8. Use First as Master: Select this checkbox if you are cloning in bulk and same field value needs to be copied across all records. For example all account records should have same owner
    9. Field Type: Indicates the data type of the field
    10. Custom: Indicates if it is a custom field
  3. Click Quick Save to save the changes to database but stay on same page. Click Save to save the configuration and go back to the previous page


Configuring Child Object (Related List)

  1. Scroll down to “iClone Related Lists” section and click “Configure Related Lists”
  2. Select related list/child object from the dropdown. Similar to parent object above, configure the child object fields. For each child object, you can specify if the records are selected by default, what is the display order, and how the records should be displayed to the user while cloning
  3. Click “Quick Save” to save the changes and configure other child objects. Click Save to save the configuration and go back to the previous page


Below screenshot shows on how a configured object would look like. You can configure more fields or child objects by following above steps. Below configuration is for Account for “End Customer” record type. As an admin, you can have record type specific configurations. For example, you can follow above steps to configure Account object for different record type.